
Luciana disse:Sandra, eu acho que essa questão ecológica é muito controversa para ser colocada dessa forma. Eu já li, mais de uma vez, que são necessários mais hectares de terra para alimentar um vegetariano do que um onívoro. No Brasil atualmente a maior causa de desmatamento não é a pecuária, mas o plantio de soja. Então, não, eu não acho que ser vegetariano é mais ecológico do que ser onívoro, acho até que não existem dados suficientes para fazer qualquer uma afirmação responsavelmente em um ou outro sentido.

We had some wonderful contacts yesterday. And a “friend” has a local magazine and came by and took lots of pics and we will be featured in it soon. So EXCITED MY TAILS A WAGGIN. HAHAH

The attitude of the sample statement is not a bad one. After all the new class will be saying the same thing in no time at all. I understand what you are saying about “joining the class” and “multiplication” but to convince the other classes to start new classes everyone needs to be on board with the fact that new classes grow the church. Alittle education with all Sunday school leaders and you wont even get a statement like that in the first place. (At least in a Pastors dream world… LOL!!)

I told my grandmother how you helped. She said, "bake them a cake!"

Check that off the list of things I was confused about.

That's a subtle way of thinking about it.

Your cranium must be protecting some very valuable brains.

Kelly, It’s okay! That’s why I only made it for 30 days so you can always start whenever. No set rules. Even completing one goal is something achieved!

f2This is really provocative information. It set off alarms in my brain that have been dormant for a while. Thank you for making it interesting and clear. I have been searching for content like this.

Håper maten smakte ! Takk for titten, alltid spennende å se innom. Riktig god jul til deg og dine. Gleder meg til å følge deg også neste år.